Stelle e altri oggetti-
Astrofotografia DSLR
a grande campo. Cliccare
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Veil nebulosity (NGC
6992/95, center bottom-NGC 6974/79, center -
NGC 6960 above) in
The open cluster NGC 6940 ( top right) is in the Vulpecula const.
Eos 350D mod.+ Mitakon 85mm @ f/2.8 200 ISO 62 sub of 30'' each.Mount:S.W Star Adventurer Elab: DSS, CS4. No dark, no flat Image cropped from larger format. Note:Moon reflection noise.
21/22 Aug 2016.
The open cluster NGC 6940 ( top right) is in the Vulpecula const.
Eos 350D mod.+ Mitakon 85mm @ f/2.8 200 ISO 62 sub of 30'' each.Mount:S.W Star Adventurer Elab: DSS, CS4. No dark, no flat Image cropped from larger format. Note:Moon reflection noise.
21/22 Aug 2016.
Cygnus region around
Sadr (gamma Cyg)-Crescent
Nebula (NGC 6888) is visible ,too.
Eos 350D mod + Mitakon 85 mm@ f/2.8, 800 ISO, 45 sub of 60" each. No dark, no flat cal. Elab: DSS, CS4.Mount: S.W Star Adventurer.
Night 22/23 Aug 2016
Eos 350D mod + Mitakon 85 mm@ f/2.8, 800 ISO, 45 sub of 60" each. No dark, no flat cal. Elab: DSS, CS4.Mount: S.W Star Adventurer.
Night 22/23 Aug 2016
Double Cluster in
Perseus : NGC 869,NGC 884, IC 1848, IC
1805, IC 1795, M103.
Canon Eos 350D+ Mitakon 85@ f/2.8 ISO 800, 20 sub of 91'' each, Mount: S.W StarAdventurer, Night 23/24.08.2016
Canon Eos 350D+ Mitakon 85@ f/2.8 ISO 800, 20 sub of 91'' each, Mount: S.W StarAdventurer, Night 23/24.08.2016
NGC7000,IC 5067/70
Eos 350D mod. + Mitakon 85mm @f/2.8 800 Iso S.W Star Adventurer 99 sub 60''each= 1h 39'
Dark,flat calibrated. Stack:DeepSkyStacker 3.32 Elab:Maxim DL5,Photoshop CS4 Night 23/24 Aug 2016
Eos 350D mod. + Mitakon 85mm @f/2.8 800 Iso S.W Star Adventurer 99 sub 60''each= 1h 39'
Dark,flat calibrated. Stack:DeepSkyStacker 3.32 Elab:Maxim DL5,Photoshop CS4 Night 23/24 Aug 2016
NGC 7000,IC 5067/70 Cygnus Field
Canon Eos 350D Baader Mod. Lens:Mitakon 85 mm @ f/2, Mount:S.W Star Adventurer 180 sub @ 23'' each. No dark, no flat. Comp:DeepSkyStacker Night 12,13 Aug 2016
Canon Eos 350D Baader Mod. Lens:Mitakon 85 mm @ f/2, Mount:S.W Star Adventurer 180 sub @ 23'' each. No dark, no flat. Comp:DeepSkyStacker Night 12,13 Aug 2016
Canon Eos 350d +Mitakon 85mm @f/4 Exp:4'' ISO800
Canon Eos 350d +Mitakon 85mm @f/4 Exp:4'' ISO800
Objects in Scorpius.
Eos 350D + Mitakon 85 mm@f/4 Exp 4''
15.05.2016 00:50 TMEC
15.05.2016 00:50 TMEC
Moon-Jupiter separation
during conjunction of May 2016
Eos 350d mod.Baader. Moon:Mitakon 85 mm@ f/4 - Exp1/160 - 800 ISO. Jupiter: Mitakon 85 mm@ f/4 - Exp 5''- 800 ISO
15 May 2016
Eos 350d mod.Baader. Moon:Mitakon 85 mm@ f/4 - Exp1/160 - 800 ISO. Jupiter: Mitakon 85 mm@ f/4 - Exp 5''- 800 ISO
15 May 2016
Triple Conjunction
Moon, Venus, Mercury over Moncucco -Domodossola (VB)
Samsung Galaxy Camera.
Moon, Venus, Mercury over Moncucco -Domodossola (VB)
Samsung Galaxy Camera.
field conjunction
over Domodossola (VB).
Samsung Camera

Arcs of star trails over my village.
Eos 350d mod.+ Mitakon 85mm @ f/2. Composition of 120'' sub with StarTrails. Probably the tripod moved during some exposures.
Masera (VB)

Circoli attorno al
Polo Nord Celeste. Notare al centro,
senza scia, la stella Polare.
Immagine ripresa da Paolo Di Centa dalla stazione di Preglia di Crevoladossola (VB), l' 8 novembre 2012 alle ore 02.43 TMEC.
Camera: Canon Eos 350D modificata con filtro ACF Baader Planetarium.
Esposizione: 10' @ f/20 , 800 ISO, Ottica Cosina 19-35 mm @ 19 mm.
Immagine ripresa da Paolo Di Centa dalla stazione di Preglia di Crevoladossola (VB), l' 8 novembre 2012 alle ore 02.43 TMEC.
Camera: Canon Eos 350D modificata con filtro ACF Baader Planetarium.
Esposizione: 10' @ f/20 , 800 ISO, Ottica Cosina 19-35 mm @ 19 mm.